
Welcome to the official website of Legret Metal Company
Focus on electronic welding for 20 yearsDONGGUAN LEGRET METAL.,LTD
National consultation hotline:135-2799-2739
Contact US
mobile phone: 135-2799-2739
Service hotline: 0769-38893080
Email: lzd@dglzd.com
Address: Dongguan lvzhidao Metal Co., Ltd
Contact person: Manager Zeng
Development history

Mr. Zhu zusheng founded the team in 2000;

In 2004, Yingfeng solder factory was established in sangyuan, Dongguan, and has been in the solder industry since then;

In 2005, he moved to chatou and changed his name to lvzhidao solder products factory;

In 2007, the company moved to Tianbian village, Shipai town, and set up its own scientific research department;

In 2010, in order to meet the needs of the company's development, the company officially changed its name to lvzhidao Metal Co., Ltd. and expanded its product line, with a wider range of products;

In 2011, the solder paste production group was upgraded to solder paste business division;

In 2013, it formally reached an agreement with Foshan Institute of polymer, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and successfully became a cooperation unit between the Institute and enterprises, and established a joint laboratory;

In 2014, Huizhou lvzhidao Industrial Materials Co., Ltd. was established;

In 2015, it passed various certifications to provide guarantee for environmental protection and meet the needs of environmental protection;

In 2016, Hong Kong Green Island Industrial Co., Ltd. was established;

In 2020, the solder paste department will be expanded again;

讷河市| 景谷| 囊谦县| 灌阳县| 杭州市| 金坛市| 剑川县| 临安市| 光山县| 新宁县| 岫岩| 嵊泗县| 民权县| 咸阳市| 秦安县| 通许县| 卢氏县| 稻城县| 城步| 阳朔县| 商水县| 肥城市| 遵化市| 邯郸县| 临安市| 彭水| 太仆寺旗| 古田县| 桐乡市| 东宁县| 巨鹿县| 通州市| 潼关县| 浦城县| 南乐县| 兖州市| 札达县| 博野县| 汶上县| 会同县| 大姚县|